Science Projects

On Monday, John was reading in one of his books about deserts and decided that he wanted to make a desert scape. So I got him a pan and let him fill it up with dirt and decorate it like the desert. he even found some desert animals to put in it. As soon as I go to the store he is going to get a cactus also. But here is his project.

He needed some rocks so I sent him into the backyard. Five minutes later he returns telling me there are no rocks to be found. You gotta be kiddin me! AT LEAST 1/2 ac of forest and NO ROCKS? When his Daddy came home they went out to look for rocks together and lo and behold they found plenty!

After watching the project, Justin decided he wanted to make one too. So he found his own container and built his own. This is Justin's

We love the orange lizard with his tail straight up! And of course the Rhino sticking his head over the side. Very authentic!


They both look awesome. What creative boys you have.

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