Odds and Ends

Yesterday I was about to leave for a meeting when I got a big surprise! I sat Jackie on the potty first and right next to the toilet was a huge lizard. And when I say huge I mean that I have never seen a lizard that size without being a lot closer to the equator! Needless to say I had John catch it for me.

The really funny part is that Little John said that morning that there was a lizard in the house. We figured that he meant a little one and didn't think anything about it. He never said it was a monster! And also, I spent lots of time cleaning the house yesterday, and I was in and out of the bathroom sooooooo many times and never saw the lizard!

Secondly, we are getting a tree removed today. It died a few weeks ago from beetle damage. We were not expecting to do anything about it for a while but a tree removal specialist came by the house. He was putting in a bid at a house up the street and stopped by when he noticed our dead tree. So here are some pictures of the backyard before the tree is gone.

I think that after it's gone we will put in a maple. That will look so pretty outside the living room windows in the fall!


Kelly said…
That is a huge lizard! And, I think a maple will be beautiful!
Frogs, lizards... you guys have a suspicious attraction for such cold-blooded creatures in your homes.

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