Following the Prophet

Today seems to be Follow the Prophet day. The song came on while the kids and I were driving to Church. It's Justin's most requested song, and it's so cute to hear him sing along, so if we have a long drive we end up playng that song over, and over, and over..... But anyways I kept humming that song to myself all during Sacrament meeting, and then the Relief Society lesson today was on Following the Prophet and the blessings that come from that.

And I thought that although I could think of several specific examples of times that I have been blessed by following the revelation of the Lord's servants, mostly it's just the peace I feel from knowing that I have done the right thing. For instance, my visiting teacher and I were talking last week, we both at one time had more than one set of holes in our ears for earrings. Mine was actually a single one high up in the cartilege, but I thought it was so cute. I got it done when I was in college at BYUI. And I knew lots of girls with more than one set. But during a CES fireside, Pres. Hinckley said that girls should only have one set. He was talking about being modest in our appearance, and I went home that night and took out the extra earring, and never put it back in.

What would have happened if I had left it in? I don't know. Probably nothing big. But it's important to be faithful in the little things even if we don't understand or agree with them. If we can't follow the Prophet when he says something so simple, can we possibly follow him when he says something bigger, like we need to pay a larger fast offering? Or what about following the Saviour who told his desciples to leave their nets and follow him? Could we do that? Could we give up everything we owned if the Prophet told us to? I think that if we are not willing to obey him on the small things, it's because we don't REALLY have a testimony that he recieves revelation for US. We believe that he is a prophet, but we don't feel it in our bones and we somehow feel that his counsel is not for us. Our circumstances are different. The Lord knows who we are. I think that if the counsel was really not for us it would be stated. Something like " Everyone needs to plant a garden, except for Brother Smith in Nashville, Tenessee. He doesn't need to worry about it." But I haven't heard any Prophet say anything like that so I guess that means that all of his counsel is for all of us, all the time.

But sometimes it's really hard. Sometimes it feels like there just isn't enough time to do everything I'm supposed to. But I know that with the Lord's help I can do anything. I can follow him even when I feel I can't, or just that I don't want to.


Kelly said…
That was our sabbath theme today too. In fact, Josh gave a talk on Pres. Benson's talk about the 14 fundamentals of following the prophet.

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